Inspirational film café – AV-Media Kalmar’s digital week
9th of March – Inspirational film café with Blood Sisters and Malin as a part of AV-Media Kalmar’s digital week for teachers and other interested people from the school world. 09:30 – 11:30 am
Also kick-off for the brand new offer to all schools in Småland to see “Blood Sisters” in their classrooms and the possibility for Malin and Julia to come and visit and talk to pupils about the film.
“Art Rich”, Cinema Bian, Eslöv
6th of March – “Art Rich”, Cinema Bian, Eslöv 08:30 – 17:00
“Art Rich”, a full day of inspiration on how to work with film and other creative fields and further the possibility to offer creative options for all pupils in our schools. A screening of ‘Blood Sisters’ will start off the day and Malin will be present for a Q&A-session afterwards, together with Carolina Falk from Film i Skåne.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
‘Blood Sisters’ is used during a history lesson
November 2017: ‘Blood Sisters’ is used during a history lesson at Universitetsholmens gymnasium (Univeritetsholmens High School) in Malmö, the focus being on Womens history, beginning with the implementation of women’s right to vote in 1921 and ending in 2017 with #metoo – and “Blood Sisters” is used during the full two hours of teaching, putting the light on a diversity of issues, not least the importance of sharing stories, not staying silent.
In the picture, teacher Nikki Nilsson with her pupils in VO16A.
Screening ‘Belfast Girls’ – cinema Bian in Eslöv
Screening Thursday 1 June at. 18.30 at cinema Bian in Eslöv
– following talk with director Malin Andersson
Free entrance, welcome!
The Belfast Girls Mairéad Mc Ilkenny and Christine Savage live in the same city but at the same time worlds apart.
I their homecity Belfast, the so called ’peacewalls’ that seperate people, stand high and tall and efficiently seperate and divide the citys’ people, young and old, and are instrumental in maintaining polarisation.
Malin followed the teenage girls at a time in their lives when love made them both challenge the satus quo and be brave enough to cross the division and challenge the walls.
The 60 min documentary film from 2006 is Malin Andersson’s debutfilm and was nominated for many awards, among others Prix Europa, Best Nordic Documentary and Tempo Documentary Award.
TV-premiere 9.30 pm TG4, Ireland on Saturday 20th of May 2017!
‘Banríon na bhFál’
/’Queen of the Falls’
/’Drottningen av Falls’

A TV-documentary in Irish, directed by Malin
Cinematography by Kate Mc Cullough, and sound by Guillaume Beauron
“Paul is a young gay man from West Belfast who spends his weekends working in the pubs and clubs of Belfast’s city centre as a drag queen. Paul’s father John is a dyed in the wool, old style republican who is struggling to come to terms with the new times and having a gay son not to mention having a son who is a drag queen. This documentary in Gaelic highlights the conflict and compromises between a father and son whilst both undertake their own personal journeys to find a deeper understanding of themselves and each other.”
One World Rumania Human Rights Filmfestival
Blood Sisters and Malin were invited to One World Rumania Human Rights Filmfestival 2017, and the film played for packed cinemas in Bucharest, during a lovely sunny March-weekend!
Kulturskolerådets Rikskonferens i Östersund
300 of Sweden’s culture school-heads listening to Malin’s speech on Includeness and Diversity and as a treat also watching Blood Sisters – in Östersund, northern Sweden on 15 March 2107.
Winter 2017
Screenings, Blood Sisters winter 2017
18-19 mars 2017 ”One World International Human Rights Film Festival” Bukarest, Rumania
15 mars 2017 Kulturskolornas Rikskonferens, Östersund
9 feb 2017 Skolbio i Malmö, Panora
One World International Human Rights Film Festival